About bernat.tech

Bernát Gábor (from 🇭🇺🇷🇴🇬🇧), living in Los Angeles 🇺🇸 Link to heading

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I work at Bloomberg US - Los Angeles on the data ingestion pipelines quality control segment.

I am the primary maintainer (and author) for the following open-source projects:

For the following projects, while I do hold the write commit bit, I only help with maintainership when needed:

  1. PyPI PyPI - Downloads GitHub last commit build
  2. PyPI PyPI - Downloads GitHub last commit pipx
  3. PyPI PyPI - Downloads GitHub last commit pytest-memray
  4. PyPI PyPI - Downloads GitHub last commit ipydatagrid
  5. PyPI PyPI - Downloads GitHub last commit tox-conda
  6. PyPI PyPI - Downloads GitHub last commit attrs-strict

You can find my Curriculum Vitae (or résumé) on the following link View PDF.