Presentations by Bernát Gábor

I’m a regular speaker at (Python) conferences. Here you’ll find a list of my recorded presentations:

Lessons learned maintaining open source Python projects - PyTexas 2024 - slides Link to heading

What’s new in tox 4? - PyCon US 2023 Link to heading

How we standardized editable installs PEP 660 vs PEP 662 - PyCon US 2022 - slides Link to heading

tox 4 - lightning talk - PyCon US 2021 - slides Link to heading

Python packaging demystified - tutorial - PyCon US 2021 - slides Link to heading

Virtualenv - A Deep Dive - PyCharm Webinar 2021 Link to heading

Lessons from the Trenches: rewriting and re-releasing virtualenv - EuroPython 2020 - slides Link to heading

status quo of virtual environments - EuroPython 2019 - slides Link to heading

How to best package your library? - PyLondinium 2019 - slides Link to heading

Type hinting (and mypy) - PyCon US 2019 - slides Link to heading

Standardize Testing in Python - EuroPython 2018 - slides Link to heading